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We are pleased to confirm that our proposals for the redevelopment of Overstone Farm were granted planning permission earlier this year by Daventry District Council.
The planning permission is for the ‘retention and conversion of farmhouse to 4 No. apartments and farm buildings into 7 No. dwellings and 8 No. single storey dwellings (full application) and demolition of steel framed and brick barns and erection of up to 31 No. dwellings, up to 40 No. retirement apartments and 70 No. bed care home with associated open space and vehicular access from Billing Lane (formerly Sywell Road) and footpath connections (outline application).’
The redevelopment will secure the long-term future of existing buildings at Overstone Farm and introduce new housing opportunities to meet a range of needs, with retirement living, a care home, high-quality apartments, single-storey cottages and bespoke new buildings. House Close will integrate the old with the new, reflecting its setting whilst linking with the new Overstone Leys scheme, with its local centre and modern community facilities.